Независимый рейтинг, Independent Ratings of NWL, Clasificación Independiente, Classificação Independente Da NWL.
Большинство страховых компаний регулярно получают один или более рейтингов от различных независимых рейтинговых агентств. Эти рейтинги имеют большое значение для владельцев полисов, агентов, инвесторов и других для оценки финансового состояния и стабильности финансовых компаний. Рейтинги National Western: - "A" (Отличный) A.M. Best, и
- "A" (Сильный) Standard & Poor's.
Подробнее об этих независимых рейтинговых агентствах: - • Рейтинги A.M. Best оценивают общий
результат деятельности страховой компании для составления заключения о финансовой силе Компании, ее текущей деятельности и способности выполнять обязательства перед владельцами полисов. Рейтинги изменяются в пределах от A++ (выдающийся) до F (в ликвидации). Рейтинг "A" определяет компании, которые продемонстрировали превосходный финансовый потенциал, коммерческую деятельность и структуру рынка в соответствии с критериями, установленными A.M. Best. Эти компании, по мнению A.M. Best, обладают огромными возможностями для выполнения своих текущих обязательств перед владельцами полисов. - • Рейтинги Standard & Poor's
являются оценкой характеристик финансовой надежности страховой организации относительно ее способности выплачивать по обязательствам страховых полисов и контрактов в соответствии с их условиями. Рейтинги изменяются в пределах от от ААА (чрезвычайно сильный) до СС (крайне слабый) и R (регулятивная акция относительно состоятельности). Standard & Poor's Insurer Profile A.M. Best Affirms Rating The Best's Rating Report(s) reproduced on this site appear under license from A.M. Best and do not constitute, either expressly or impliedly, an endorsement of (Licensee)'s products or services. A.M. Best is not responsible for transcription errors made in presenting Best's Rating Reports. Best's Rating Reports are copyright c A.M. Best Company and may not be reproduced or distributed without the express written permission of A.M. Best Company. Visitors to this web site are authorized to print a single copy of the Best's Rating Report(s) displayed here for their own personal use. Any other printing, copying or distribution is strictly prohibited. Best's Ratings are under continuous review and subject to change and/or affirmation. To confirm the current rating, please visit the A.M. Best web site, www.ambest.com | | Most life insurance companies routinely obtain one or more ratings from various independent rating agencies. These ratings are important to policyholders, agents, investors, and others in evaluations of the financial strength and stability of insurance companies.
National Western's ratings are: - "A" (Excellent) by A.M. Best, and
- "A" (Strong) by Standard & Poor's.
A bit more about these independent rating agencies: evaluate factors affecting the overall performance of an insurance company in order to provide an opinion of the Company's financial strength, operating performance, and ability to meet its obligations to policyholders. Ratings range from A++ (superior) to F (in liquidation). The "A" rating identifies companies which have, on balance, demonstrated excellent financial strength, operating performance, and market profile when compared to the standards established by A.M. Best. These companies, in the opinion of A.M. Best, have a strong ability to meet their ongoing obligations to policyholders.
- Standard & Poor's ratings
are an opinion of the financial security characteristics of an insurance organization with respect to its ability to pay under its insurance policies and contracts in accordance with their terms. Ratings range from AAA (extremely strong) to CC (extremely weak) and R (regulatory action regarding solvency). Standard & Poor's Insurer Profile A.M. Best Upgrades Rating The Best's Rating Report(s) reproduced on this site appear under license from A.M. Best and do not constitute, either expressly or impliedly, an endorsement of (Licensee)'s products or services. A.M. Best is not responsible for transcription errors made in presenting Best's Rating Reports. Best’s Rating Reports are copyright © A.M. Best Company and may not be reproduced or distributed without the express written permission of A.M. Best Company. Visitors to this web site are authorized to print a single copy of the Best’s Rating Report(s) displayed here for their own personal use. Any other printing, copying or distribution is strictly prohibited. Best's Ratings are under continuous review and subject to change and/or affirmation. To confirm the current rating, please visit the A.M. Best web site, www.ambest.com | | | | La mayoría de las compañías de seguros de vida periódicamente reciben una o más clasificaciones de varias agencias de clasificación independientes. Estas clasificaciones son importantes para los póliza habientes, agentes, inversionistas y otras personas que evalúan la solidez y e stabilidad financiera de las compañías de seguros. Las clasificaciones de National Western son: - "A" (Excelente) por A.M. Best, y
- "A" (Fuerte) por Standard & Poor's.
Un poco más de información sobre estas agencias de clasificación independientes: - La clasificación de A.M. Best
evalúa factores que afectan el desempeño global de una compañía de seguros para proveer una opinión de la solidez financiera de la Compañía, desempeño de operaciones y la habilidad para satisfacer las necesidades de sus póliza habientes. Las clasificaciones comprenden desde A++ (superior) a F (en liquidación). La clasificación "A" identifica a compañías que en promedio han demostrando excelente solidez financiera, desempeño de operaciones y un perfil de mercadeo al ser comparados con las normas establecidas por A.M. Best. Estas compañías, en la opinión de A.M. Best, tienen una habilidad fuerte para satisfacer sus obligaciones corrientes con los póliza habientes.
- Las clasificaciones de Standard & Poor's
son una opinión de las características de la seguridad financiera de una organización de seguros con respecto a su habilidad para pagar bajo sus contratos y pólizas de seguros de acuerdo a sus términos. Las clasificaciones comprenden desde AAA (extremadamente fuerte) a CC (extremadamente débil) y R (acción regulatoria en referencia a solvencia). | |
A maioria das companhias de seguro de vida geralmente obtém uma ou mais classificações por parte de varias agências de avaliação independente. Estas classificações são importantes para os segurados, consultores, investidores e outros interessados na avaliação da solidez e estabilidade financeira das companhias de seguros. As classificações atribuídas a National Western são: - "A" (Excelente) pela A.M. Best e
- "A" (Forte) pela Standard & Poor's.
Algumas informações adicionais sobre estas agências de classificação independente: - A classificação da A.M. Best
avalia fatores que afetam o desempenho geral de uma companhia de seguros, com o objetivo de emitir uma opinião sobre a sua força financeira, desempenho operacional e habilidade para honrar as suas obrigações com os segurados. As classificações variam de A++ (superior) à F (em liquidação). A classificação "A" identifica as companhias que tenham demonstrado excelente desempenho operacional, solidez financeira e perfil de mercado quando comparadas aos padrões estabelecidos pela A.M. Best. Estas companhias, na opinião da A.M. Best, possuem forte habilidade para cumprir as suas continuas obrigações com os segurados.
- A classificação da Standard & Poor's
emite uma opinião sobre as características de segurança financeira de uma organização de seguros no que diz respeito à sua habilidade em pagar as suas apólices e contratos de acordo com as suas condições. As classificações variam de AAA (extremamente forte) à CC (extremamente fraco) e R (ação regulamentar com relação à solvência). | | | | https://www.nationalwesternlife.com/index.aspx?loc=rs | | | | Вернуться на страницу "Часто задаваемые вопросы" |